Review & recommendation
In case you want to build, renovate, reconstruct or buy a greenhouse complex and there are certain problems or insecurities or you want to have a second opinion, VEK is able to review the situation and give recommendations.
When VEK is asked for a review and recommendation, the first step is to gather all available information on the existing situation and the outstanding issues. Based on desk research of the information provided, VEK is able to provide the client with the first conclusions, suggestions and recommendations.
If required after this first phase of desk research, VEK can pay a vist to the site with the purpose to gather more information (e.g. do measurements), have on-site interviews with client and supplier to determine what should be done to solve and prevent and to explain our conclusions, suggestions and recommendations. Based on both desk research and site visit, VEK will prepare a final report, including description of situation and problem, description of potential and reviewed solutions, conclusions and recommendations.
When the client faces problems or damage to greenhouse or crops, VEK can analyze the current situation and problems, search for probable causes and give possible solutions.
In case of problems, damage, imperfections to greenhouse or crop, VEK can act as an expert and do a technical assessment to determine the problems and/or damage and to identify the possible causes (e.g. material/technical damages while building, technical causes of crop damage, poor crop management etc.). All the facts will be analysed and the conclusions and possible solutions will be made available to the client in a final report.
Dispute engineer
When realizing a greenhouse project, it might by worthwhile for both client and contractor to designate a dispute engineer to mediate in case a dispute rises between client and contractor.
Review & recommendation
VEK strives to deliver a Greenhouse that produces 100% quality products against the lowest costs. A commercial Greenhouse is an investment in absolute control over your crops.
A breeding Greenhouse needs to be secured in a hygienic closed of environment so that the breeding process can’t be disturbed. With more then 50 years of experience VEK know’s what a breeding Greenhouse exactly needs and how much it should cost.
Dispute engineer
We aim to create the perfect environment where new innovations can flourish. A hygienic Greenhouse with the best and newest technology.